Accelerate your digital transformation with
SAP Business Technology Platform and Redfig

The perfect complement

Whether you are an up-and-comer looking to GROW with SAP or an established market-leader working to RISE with SAP – Redfig’s Forge service offering will help you keep the core clean while unleashing new business value using the power of SAP BTP

  • Explore opportunities to unlock value and understand how SAP BTP can address those business challenges

    • Conduct business analysis of existing pain points and uncover high-value use cases

    • Facilitate design thinking workshops to pinpoint optimal high-level designs

    • Assess feasibility and priority of identified use cases to maximize ROI

    • Provide guidance on system sizing and licensing to optimize value

  • Transform ideas into actionable plans and a strategic roadmap

    • Finalize innovation roadmap based on use case priorities and organizational goals

    • Develop user-centric prototype to gather early feedback and increase stakeholder buy-in

    • Finalize blueprint and architecture to ensure alignment with business objectives

    • Establish development frameworks and standards

  • Accelerate development and launch resilient solutions with immediate impact

    • Streamline initial system setup based on best practices

    • Perform agile solution development

    • Leverage pre-packaged templates and frameworks to expedite development and ensure consistency

    • Shepherd the solution through testing, cutover and deployment to maximize go-live success

  • Ensure ongoing success and innovation by proactively managing operations and leveraging the platform for continuous improvement

    • Monitor applications and optimize performance

    • Establish mechanisms for quick defect identification and resolution

    • Automate testing to facilitate release schedules and ensure quality

    • Provide expedient and high-quality support

Keeping the core clean

Forge with Redfig embraces the clean core concept to achieve cloud compliant solutions